Cyber Bullying
In this blog i will be telling you about cyber bullying and what you can do to prevent it or if you are a victim then how you can get help.
Social Networking
This is the main way in which cyber bullying happens. People threatening others through private chat and making fun of them because they think its cool and funny. Usually most people who get bullied dont do anything because they dont know who to tell. Well in this blog i will give you further information on what to do.
Computer Gaming
People are finding out different ways in which to bully and make fun of people. They are putting on head sets and calling people names and calling them rude names. they usually do it to people younger then them because they know that they wont do anything about it.
If you ever feel like you are being cyber bullied then the best thing to do is to tell someone about it. Someone who can help you to stop it and who you can open up to.
Not a very big one but leave any comments:)
well written, good information and professional looking.