Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Apple Store And Products

Apple Store And Products
Today i will be telling you about Apple and how they have become so big so quick!
Apple started in the year 1977 with Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, William Marshal and Robert Apple. Their first product was the "Apple I" which was made in 1976 and as the years go on they start to make more and more advanced products. Their first ever portable product was called the "powerbook" which was made in 1991. Their two latest products are the iPad Mini and the iPod Touch 5G.
Apple is worth about £284,912,966,895 which in american dollars is $460,000,000,000! so now we are going to play a little game of:
What is Apple worth more than?
  • The gross domestic product of Sweden ($458 billion)
  • All the gold in the Federal Reserve, and then some ($350 billion)
  • All the illegal drugs in the world, and then some ($321 billion)
  • Six and a half years of global coffee consumption ($70 billion / year)
  • More than six years of U.S. beef consumption ($74 billion / year)
  • More than five U.S. Civil Wars ($74-$84 billion each)
  • More than 2.5 Apollo space programs ($145-$170 billion apiece)
  • Three times the entire U.S. clothing industry ($150 billion)
  • Fourteen National Football Leagues ($33 billion for all the teams combined)

  • In the world now there are about 350,000,000 people who own any type of apple product

    Wednesday, 5 December 2012

    Goal line Technology

    Goal line technology
    As usual i will start this by telling you that this blog will be about goal line technology.
    The advantages of goal line technology is that we will get a lot more accurate result of the game and it will be fair so none of the players can argue with the ref or linesman. this will lead to a fair game of football with out any one getting a card for the anger towards the ref.
    The disadvantages of this is that it will be putting a lot of people out of their jobs and it will be more expencive to buy rather then pay the ref.
    In the past there has been many issues with goals and offsides and handballs for example 2010 world cup England vs Germany Steven Gerrard shot and it went in but spinned back out and the goal was disaloud.

    Cyber bullying

    Cyber Bullying
    In this blog i will be telling you about cyber bullying and what you can do to prevent it or if you are a victim then how you can get help.
    Social Networking
    This is the main way in which cyber bullying happens. People threatening others through private chat and making fun of them because they think its cool and funny. Usually most people who get bullied dont do anything because they dont know who to tell. Well in this blog i will give you further information on what to do.
    Computer Gaming
    People are finding out different ways in which to bully and make fun of people. They are putting on head sets and calling people names and calling them rude names. they usually do it to people younger then them because they know that they wont do anything about it.
    If you ever feel like you are being cyber bullied then the best thing to do is to tell someone about it. Someone who can help you to stop it and who you can open up to.
    Not a very big one but leave any comments:)

    Computer Gaming

    Computer Games And Consoles
    In this blog i will be telling you about the latest updates on gaming and how it effects our lives.
    I will start of by talkin about the updates of this years top selling games and games consoles. Some of the best selling games of 2012 have been about war or physical violence. This is obviously a popular choice because everyone seems to be buying them, but what is it about these games that gets people so addicted to them. "Black Ops 2" is one of the most talked about games, which is a war game. Released in november 13th people world wide were queing outside shops in order to be the first ones to play this game. The features on the game are what people are going mad about. For example the new zombies on this game are the reason why half the people have bought it. Moving on to "Assassins Creed III", once again it is another violent game about going around assassinating people as it says in the title obviously. FIFA !3 is on for the football fans. People are talking about their ultimate team and what their favorite players are and everything.So what is it about these games that is making people go crazy?
    People are becoming more and more addicted to these games as they take days off school and work to play them al day long. This could lead to them loosing friends as the have no social life and dont want to see anyone because they are addicted to their game. This will lead to them loosing their job meaning they will struggle in life.
    The impacts of this is very dangerous. On 22nd of July 2011 a man named Anders Breivik bombed a government building in Norway and carried out a mass shooting killing 77 children and adults. He said that he trained himself for it by using Call Of Duty giving himself the knowledge on ways to kill people and how to use the guns in such a terrible way. Also a few years back a young boy, after playing on the 18 rated game "Grand Theft Auto", went around and stabbed innocent people just from what he had seen on the game. Children of young ages who are playing games that are rated 18 are becoming more violent toward their parents. They would ask them to get off their console and the children would get angry and violent and refuse to get off.

    Comment and tell me what you think about gaming.